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As a part of our monthly summits, join us this upcoming August 4th for the International Alternative Medicine Summit to know the challenges and future directions of traditional medicine, the latest update, insights, perspectives, and the best practices!
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Our Agenda

Discover the agenda of this summit:

04 Aug 2022 01:00 AM (America/New_York)
SURYANAMASKAR Lets Understand the Magic of Sun Salutation
1 My Philosophy on Health 2 Introduction to Yoga 3 Introduction to Asana Practise 4 What is Suryanamaskar? 5 Health Benefits of Suryanamaskar 6 Basic guidelines of the Practise. 7 Yoga Alternative Medicine or Mainstream
See More Presented by : PRIYA R
Duration : 60 Minutes
04 Aug 2022 01:30 AM (America/New_York)
Energy ,Business ,Personal Development ,Personal Branding ,Business & Entrepreneurship ,Health ,Leadership & Development ,Nature-Based Solutions
Unifying the healing of the mind body soul
My name is Marika Nayan and I was raised in a family of medical practitioners. I am a 5th gen Shamanic healer, Internationally recognised Life Strategist & Holistic Coach. I am also the founder of Wild Woman Sisterhood and the CEO of The Crystal Creatrix.  I would like to discuss the following topics: The connection and unification of the mind, body & soul Chakra health & how your empotional centres affect your energetic health Plant medicine vs. Modern medicine Energetic Medicine -How shamanic healing, reiki and energetic healing can benefit your health Development of Dis-ease mentally to physical symptoms Prevention of disease, instead of modern day magic pills Minset Matters- the power of gratitude  How your brain plays common tricks on your reality
See More Presented by : Marika nayan
Duration : 30 Minutes
04 Aug 2022 03:00 AM (America/New_York)
Personal Development ,Energetic ,Learning & Development ,Health
Mindset Medicine Increase your happiness health and productivity at home and in your career
The mindset we carry daily has the ability to create the life we dream of, or, if we allow it, it also has the power to create illness, stress, anxiety & suffering. With greater mindset awareness we can start to work towards moving away from thoughts & patterns that limit the life we want to live and create greater success & freedom in every areas of our life, including with our health.
See More Presented by : Evie P
Duration : 30 Minutes
04 Aug 2022 04:00 AM (America/New_York)
Is there really a perfect diet?
DIet, inflamamtion, microbiome, disease .... what is the link? 
Presented by : Dellna Illavia
Duration : 60 Minutes
04 Aug 2022 04:20 AM (America/New_York)
Science based practices to improve mental health at work and at home
Gain practical knowledge, strategies, and useful advice on how to improve mental health. I will share science-backed tools to empower you to take control of your health and well-being with accessible practices that can be easily implemented in your day-to-day life. This talk aims to educate and empower you to create a fulfilling and balanced life through personal development and self-care.
See More Presented by : Francesco Gatti
Duration : 40 Minutes
04 Aug 2022 06:00 AM (America/New_York)
Why you choose Homoeopathy
What is Homoeopathy system of medicine? Is Homoeopathy a science? Scopes of Homoeopathy 
Presented by : Raji Arabi
Duration : 30 Minutes
04 Aug 2022 06:30 AM (America/New_York)
Personal Development
Reconnect to your Center
We all know meditation comes with numerous benefits. Not all of us reap these benefits, however. This is because not all meditation styles help you to really deeply connect with your inner self. In this session, Lauren will share one of the most powerful meditation techniques she has learned from Buddhist Monks while living in a Thai monastery. We’ll finish the session with a beautifully guided Centering meditation.
See More Presented by : Lauren Schuivens
Duration : 30 Minutes
04 Aug 2022 07:00 AM (America/New_York)
Management of Diabetes Mellitus with Alternative Medicines and Nutrition
Diabetes Mellitus a metabolic disorder and a global public health diseorder of the communities and its managment with alternatvie medicnes and nutrition in the 21st century advanced and modern scientific world
See More Presented by : Dr Latif Ullah Khattak
Duration : 90 Minutes
04 Aug 2022 08:00 AM (America/New_York)
Reflexology and its benefits
what is reflexology? How does reflexology work? What are its benefits? Reflexology master points
See More Presented by : Pragati Kanugo
Duration : 60 Minutes
04 Aug 2022 09:00 AM (America/New_York)
Yoga to Manage Stress and Reduce Anxiety
I'll be talking about:: The benefits of 'alternative' medicines and mind-body practices like yoga, and why they are increasingly needed in the world we live in Why some people may be more prone to stress and anxiety than others, and the importance of being aware of our own vulnerability My personal experience of recovering from a burnout, using yoga and other alternative medicines The main benefits of yoga to the physical, mental and emotional health, and how yoga helps to reduce stress and anxiety The method I've developed - involving, yoga and holistic health coaching - to train the body and the mind, and 'rewire' the brain.
See More Presented by : Alo Raptopoulos
Duration : 60 Minutes
04 Aug 2022 10:00 AM (America/New_York)
The Price of Convenience and the Addiction to Certainty
The very things we think are helping us are actually hurting and killing us.
Presented by : Grace De La Rosa
Duration : 60 Minutes
04 Aug 2022 10:45 AM (America/New_York)
HEAL YOURSELF - natural self-healing
Sarah will talk about her own natural self-healing from an auto-immune disease, suicidal depression and other health issues.  The basics of what you can do to support your body to naturally self-heal will be covered, with the help of a few slides.  Sarah has written a book called HEAL YOURSELF about her own and 74 others' natural self-healing journeys, from conditions diagnosed by doctors as chronic, lifelong and life-threatening. How everyone healed has been shared, so the reader can try what worked for the healers. It is available currently in 4 languages, with more on the way, on Amazon and at Barnes and Noble.   
See More Presented by : Sarah Dawkins
Duration : 60 Minutes
04 Aug 2022 11:30 AM (America/New_York)
Personal Development ,Health
What Does Self Care Really Mean
We will highlight the importance of stress management & self-care & what these can look like for busy professionals. This will be an interactive session with mindfulness & mindset exercises you can use again after this session. We will discuss the different dimensions of wellness and share ideas for how you can practice self-care in each.
See More Presented by : Raina Rooney
Duration : 30 Minutes
04 Aug 2022 12:00 PM (America/New_York)
Healing Through Artistry with Transformational Life Coaching
I am a physical therapist by trade. Once I learned I had end stage renal disease and could no longer work in healthcare due to the medications I was on and with the pandemic of Covid, I decided to reinvent myself. I brought my training and life passions together in one. Now I offer the blending of artistry into my transformational life coaching practice. I always have loved to paint and with my education in life coaching and previous life coaching career I decided to bring a special niche to offer healing trough the arts. Creatively art can be utilized in many way to support and faciliate peoples healing of trauma, disease (dis ease), transitions in their lives etc. Uniquely I can paint a canvas that supports my client to explore their emotions through a painting. Another way I use art is that I may have a client draw or paint a represtation of themselves and that symbolizes many emotions and characters and how they see themselves. For example maybe they did not draw a mouth. That may represent that they do not feel they have a voice or not being heard. These are just 2 examples. During my discussion on the summit I will chat about how art can be healing and the use of exercises and tools can faciliate the healing process and journey. My website is
See More Presented by : Beth Ann Badour
Duration : 60 Minutes
04 Aug 2022 01:00 PM (America/New_York)
Personal Development ,Learning & Development ,Health ,Leadership & Development
Healing in Ways You Never Thought Possible
Healing in Ways You Never Thought Possible     Our lives have become unbalanced and our health and wellness has suffered because of this. More than ever, people are sicker, unhealthy, and have those "mystery Illnesses" that baffle the medical community. Many people have become disenchanted by what they are offered, and are sick and tired of being sick and tired. Interestingly, each of us has the capability to heal ourselves, yet either do not know how to, or believe that something outside of themselves has the answers. In our short time together we will explore:   The Mind-Body Connection, Returning our Mind, Body, and Soul to Balance for lasting health and true wellness, Learning to trust your inner wisdom which is your sovereign right.  
See More Presented by : Dolores Fazzino
Duration : 30 Minutes
04 Aug 2022 02:00 PM (America/New_York)
Personal Development ,Health
Access Your Superpowers
Matt Wilson is The Superhero Finder and has been searching the cosmos to find people like YOU. Do you truly understand how powerful you can be? We often look for the answers to our problems outside. But what happens if we look inside... Matt uses his skills as a physical and mental coach to search deep inside you and unearth the most amazing powers that can literally transform your life, immediately. Every good superhero has a backstory and Matt is no different.  Coming from a family all in the emergency services and healthcare, Matt has been battling and breaking the mould since leaving university.  Searching a way to serve others, but without the constraints of an employer, favouring entrepreneurial freedom he has battled familial expectations constantly. Add to that his experience of trauma, challenges, suicide and divorce he is here to equip you will the powers you need to conquer your own battles confidently. It's not all doom and gloom though, as Matt is a professed man child, and is certain there is always room for some light heartedness to bring out the inner child in us all.
See More Presented by : Matt Wilson
Duration : 60 Minutes
04 Aug 2022 02:30 PM (America/New_York)
Transforming Trauma and Your Health with Self Love
We all have experienced trauma individually and collectively. Many times that affects our self-love and self-worth. If we do not feel we deserve more, we cannot have more. These messages did not originate within us. But most of us repeat them daily to ourselves anyway. During this half hour, you will learn 2 very quick exercises that can help you transform trauma and shift to self-love. You will learn the value in loving yourself to create the life that you want. You can use these tools to begin to shift body, mind and spirit.
See More Presented by : Jennifer Mannion
Duration : 30 Minutes
04 Aug 2022 07:00 PM (America/New_York)
Personal Development
Eliminate stress and manifest magic
I will be speaking on Broken Heart Syndrome. The root cause of this syndrome is stress. It is being diagnosed twice as much this year as it ever has before. I am considered a medical miracle as I was able to heal my dead heart tissue, which is not documented in any medical journal. I will share the healing and spiritual techniques to attendees that I used to elimanate stress, clear the mind clutter, and manifest magic. The actions I took and continue to take each and every day to stay healthy, happy and live a magical life.
See More Presented by : Jacque book
Duration : 60 Minutes
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