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About this summit
The hazards have altered along with the rest of the planet ! Lockdowns...Economic slowdown,Unexpectedly high inflation...Soaring energy costs, The Russian invasion of Ukraine, Food insecurity, Humanitarian needs, Etc, have all contributed to financial market volatility and drastically increased skepticism about the global economy's ability to recover. How is the global energy and food system's lack of diversity affecting the subsistence chain ? This conference on the global energy crisis will be conducted to explore dangers, how to minimize them globally, how to prevent a disaster and how businesses are managing it ?
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The speakers that are confirmed for this summit are:



















Our Agenda

Discover the agenda of this summit:

15 Nov 2022 12:30 AM (America/New_York)
Energy crisis aspects in India during the present global economy scenario
Introduction,  factors, probable measures to address the energy crisis aspects in India 
Presented by : Ashanendu Mandal
Duration : 60 Minutes
15 Nov 2022 02:30 AM (America/New_York)
Ramping electricity prices in Europe - The impact of solar and wind share in the powermix
Electricity prices have increased significantly in the second half of 2022 in Europe, challenging the claim made by the solar and wind industries that renewable energy sources have been helping mitigating electricity prices hikes. I'll provide some explanations about hidden cost generated by intermittent energy sources as well as present some of the key challenges that could create the base for lasting high prices in Europe, but also in all countries where net-zero strategies will be implemented.
See More Presented by : Alexis Pilotelle
Duration : 30 Minutes
15 Nov 2022 05:00 AM (America/New_York)
Potential Solutions to overcome it in a Sustainable manner
A brief on causes of Global Energy Crisis Sustainable Solutions: -Energy Consumption -Energy Efficincy  -Renewable Energy Possible policies to support: -Carbon Tax -Renewable Energy Incentives
See More Presented by : Ganesha Pillai
Duration : 30 Minutes
15 Nov 2022 06:00 AM (America/New_York)
How to overcome the energy crisis through circular economic principles
Causes of energy crisis Consequences of energy crisis Way forward: How we can apply circular economic principles to overcome current energy crisis situation
See More Presented by : Thilini Bandara
Duration : 20 Minutes
15 Nov 2022 06:00 AM (America/New_York)
Agriculture ,Water ,Energy ,Business ,Food ,Production ,Agriculture & Technology ,Sustainability ,Natural Resources
Productive Use of Renewable Energy for Food Security in Kenya
Deployment of ground water to surface solar water pumping and purification to provide permanent solution to famine for vulnerable communities in Kenya.     This is a high priority due to the current biting drought affecting various counties in the country.  Ten counties have been identified to be facing drought and the number of people in need of humanitarian assistance is projected to increase to 4.35 million.    The new government led by H.E President Dr. William Samoei Ruto has begun stakeholder meetings to discuss matters on drought.  This Position paper seeks to support the initiates taken and highlight the role and importance of solar water pumping from sustainably managed ground water as an immediate, short term and long-term response as part of adaptation to this climate event
See More Presented by : Andrew Amadi
Duration : 30 Minutes
15 Nov 2022 06:30 AM (America/New_York)
The Role of Private Sector Players in Averting the Effects of the Energy Crisis in Africa
  The session will look at what private-sector players can do to ensure they play a role in averting the effects of the energy crisis on African citizens. It will explore partnerships for ensuring access, affordability and awareness of energy solutions for the African market.
See More Presented by : Linet Njeri
Duration : 30 Minutes
15 Nov 2022 07:00 AM (America/New_York)
Energy Crisis and the Soaring Energy Cost
I will be speaking on how the Disruption in the Energy market has affected other aspect of basic human life and what is the way forward
Presented by : Chucks Obonodi
Duration : 30 Minutes
15 Nov 2022 07:00 AM (America/New_York)
Saving Energy is Creating Energy
Energy can neither be created nor can be destroyed. It just moves from one form to another. When we say we have global energy crisis, it does not mean that the energy is in crisis, it mean we do not have means and ways explored enough to transform abundance of energy that the world has in store to the form of energy we need. Till the time we are not out of the crisis and find ways to make energy available in the forms it is required, saving energy is easiest way of creating energy.
See More Presented by : Arshad Ali
Duration : 60 Minutes
15 Nov 2022 08:00 AM (America/New_York)
The Role of Renewable Energy in Solving Energy Crisis
I would like to talk about the role of renewable energy in addressing the energy crisis. Renewable energy can provide a reliable electricity supply and fuel diversification, which increases energy security and reduces dependence on fossil fuels while reducing the need for imported fuels. In addition, renewable energy also helps to reduce carbon emissions.
See More Presented by : Ilyas Taufiqurrohman
Duration : 30 Minutes
15 Nov 2022 08:30 AM (America/New_York)
Personal Branding ,Sustainability
Cause and Effect of the Global Energy Crisis
- Increased Global Interest Rates - Increased Cost of Goods and Services (Inflation)  - High Petrochemical Energy Demand - Slow Renewable Energy Inception
See More Presented by : Leonardo Lopez
Duration : 30 Minutes
15 Nov 2022 09:00 AM (America/New_York)
Renaissance of Smart Energy and COP27
Renaissance of Smart Energy and COP27   Smart energy transition! This is the era of smart energy. Less emission means less payment for bills and more energy dependency on our own countries resources. With a smart energy revolution, you can expect to see a reduction in your energy bills as well as eco-friendly and sustainable aspects of the energy transition. Renewable energy and more efficient systems and processes will eventually bring down the cost of powering your home. This current energy crisis should be a wakeup call for governments to do what they should have done years ago and cut ties with the unreliable fossil fuels. Every individual should have the right to push governments to urgently impose a windfall tax on oil and gas companies to help finance support for the most vulnerable households. Or, every worker should push their own company for ethical investments to implement 3 P. “People, Planet, Profit”. Environmental, social and governance (@ESG) issues should be a top concern of global corporate management and board all around the World. At the age of energy crisis, a global recovery strategy must be a green strategy. We should start soon because good things take time… Let’s be smart not to jump into first Marshmallow. #esg #greeneconomy #ukrainewar #grain #energy
See More Presented by : Dr Selin Calik
Duration : 60 Minutes
15 Nov 2022 10:00 AM (America/New_York)
Global Energy Crisis
I will be representing the energy crisis and sustainability.
Presented by : Anisa Shaik
Duration : 60 Minutes
15 Nov 2022 11:00 AM (America/New_York)
Science & Technology ,Energy ,Sustainability
The Critical Need for Dispatchable Emissions-Free Resources to Decarbonize the Grid
This session will discuss the need for "Dispatchable Emissions-free Resources" (DEFRs), potential DEFR options, and the impact DEFRs (or lack thereof) will have on Grid decarbonization efforts. Most people erroneously equate utility-scale Renewable Energy with Carbon-free Energy. However, physics requires that net energy injected into Grid exactly equals net Energy extracted from the Grid instantaneously. As a result, Renewable Wind & Solar must rely on Flexible Generation (Dispatchable Resources) to maintain this Grid 'Energy balance.' Flexible Generation is also necessary to back-up Wind & Solar due to their inherent intermittency. To date, Flexible Generation has come from Fossil Fuels. Accordingly, the significant amount of Wind & Solar placed into service since ~2007 has had minor impact on overall Grid carbon emissions - but has increased the price of electricity while reducing Grid Reliability.
See More Presented by : Sean Hagen
Duration : 60 Minutes
15 Nov 2022 12:30 PM (America/New_York)
Impact of the global energy crisis on the energy transition
How did the global energy crisis impact the energy transition strategies? The significance of diversification of resources for ensuring security of supply
Presented by : Sherif Salah
Duration : 30 Minutes
15 Nov 2022 02:00 PM (America/New_York)
The Energy Fourth Way
Energy Paradigmatic Crisis  1. Contributing to freedom from dependence on jobs and joules as well as wages geared to watts.  2. Energy Independence and Energy Interdependence: "ordered automation" and "energy equinimiy"  3. Economic Juries and Energy Justice: A Right to Energy Case Studies   4. Global Community Peace through infrastructure: Energy Fourth Way 
See More Presented by : Robert Brooking
Duration : 60 Minutes
15 Nov 2022 03:00 PM (America/New_York)
Economics of global energy crisis & decarbonisation
This presentation will be covering the economics of global energy crisis and its correlation to decarbonisation. Please look out for this space for further details closer to the date.
Presented by : Shraddha Nair
Duration : 30 Minutes
15 Nov 2022 03:00 PM (America/New_York)
Carbon footprints mitigation through augmented improvements in equipment and processes radical thresholds
I will be talking about Carbon footprints mitigation through augmented improvements in equipment and processes – radical thresholds
Presented by : Debashish Banerjee
Duration : 60 Minutes
15 Nov 2022 04:00 PM (America/New_York)
The impact of the global energy crisis on food and energy prices
An energy crisis is any significant bottleneck in the supply of energy resources to an economy. 
Presented by : Etulan Adu
Duration : 30 Minutes
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